
Showing posts from January, 2018

Reading Notes; Ramayana, Part A

The book that I choose to write my notes is on Ramayana Online: Public Domain Edition.   From reading part A, I took notes on chapter 9 and 10.   Chapter 9 is called King Janaka and 10 are chapter name is Rama Wins Sita.   In chapter nine my favorite parts is when King Janaka brings out the bow of Shiva and introduce them that nobody can bend it and put the bowstring on it even if it the Asuras or the Rajahs and if you can bend the bow of Shiva and put the string on it then he will marry my daughter Sita.   The setting and imagination of where the bow on and how the bow was brought out from the inner hall.   “From an inner hall, many stalwart men hauled the stupendous bow on an eight-wheeled iron chariot into the presence of the monarch of Mithila.” And from that, you can tell that the bow was heavy, and how much importance was put on the bow.   From the chapter 10, my favorite part was when Rama ask all the kings and warrior sitting in the hall and said, “Permit me to lift

Feedback Thoughts

Feedback, in general, is good for people because it helps us learn how to get better at the things that we are bad at, but we take it as somebody is talking down on us that why some people are afraid to get feedback. I can take a feedback because, in the long run, it's only going to help you not harm you so it all cool. If you want to be good at receiving feedback keep your mind board and open, don't keep it close and don't accept the feedback.  Here are two websites that could help you a lot with receiving feedback and they are called 5 Tips For Taking Feedback Like a Champ and another one is called 8 Things to Do When You Make a Mistake .  I personally went to the site and read the article and I found some interesting things like In 5 tips for taking feedback it talks about how you have to remind yourself that having growth areas is a good thing- it means you haven't maxed out on your potential. I thought that was a really good tip to think of feedback as a knife sha

Topic Brainstorm

The first topic that I choose it's from Mahabharata. I am going to write about Karna the Danvir and how he got to know that he is the sixth son of the five Pandava.  I would also like to learn the event of Karna learning that he is the brother of the Pandava so that why I am writing this story. I think this site will help me a lot writing this story. Link The second topic that I choose it's from Ramayana. I know of Hanuman because I am a believer of Hanuman the monkey god so I thought it would be interesting to write about Hanuman. In my story I am going to write about Hanuman how he burned the whole Lanka and I thought it was interesting to know why he did it and how he did it. Here is the Link that will help me write the story. The third topic that I choose it's from Krishna story.  I also know Krishna because he is the avatar of Vishnu and we also know all the avatar that Vishnu took every time he came to earth. The story talk about, how Krishna lifts Govardhan Moun

Week 2 Story

This is a re-made story form The Cruel Crane and Crab. The Cheerful Fish and Lonely Crab There was a world were animal evolved to become like the human, they are called the Monster race.   And had intelligent like us human, nothing had changed in their lives but one thing, that they could practice the martial art and they still haven’t forgotten their cruel nature so the world was still ruled by power where strong oppressed the weak, so it was a brutal world.   The martial art they practice was unique because every time they leveled up they would become stronger and live longer for example if us mortal lived till 100 years, then If you breakthrough from level 1 to level 2 you multiply your live 100 times 20 so it would equal 2000 years, and on level 3 multiply 2000 to 30 and so on. Each martial art had 11 levels with nine sub levels on each level. By learning martial arts it makes you strong and fast plus you can control your body energy called Chi or Ki. It can see you’re you

Reading Notes

The story I read and took notes is from Buddhist Jataka collection and that story is called “ The Cunning Crane and The Crab ” and it is written by W.h.d. Rouse.   These are the notes I took on the story and it started out with plot.   I was really surprise to see crane die at the end because I thought the crab would just let go and go back to lake but it did not happen and the crab killed the crane.   I personally like that plot twist because it was coming for him he killed all those fishes in the lake so it was really satisfying for me.   Crab was also my favorite character because I liked his intelligent mind and outsmarted the crane and it was his greatest strengths or he would have died like those fish; I think could use this character when I write my story.   There was lot of words that made us imagine the setting such as when the author explains the setting of the lake so we could visualize it.   For example this sentence “Now not far away there was a beautiful lake, always

Reading Options

The site was really interesting because I found lot of good reading but there are 4 stories that I liked a lot and they are called The Blind Men and the Elephant from the Elephant unit, The Great Truths from the Life of Buddha unit, Two Tortoise Stories from Bidpai unit and last is The Cruel Crane Outwitted from Indian Fairy Tales unit.  They were the most interesting story that I read.  I don't know I might like other but those are the one I like the most right now. Link for Story 1 , Story 2 , Story 3 and Story 4 . This is the picture of Crane standing on Turtle and they are made into statue.

Time Strategies

I think those article can help if you follow what they say.  Out of all the article I like the article that is called 3 Steps to Recapture Time, It was interesting to read that article.  I thinks my biggest time challenges will be that I should not procrastinate, that the challenge that I want to overcome.  This time my time management strategy for this semester is that, spend at least 1 to 2 hours for all the class that you have taken this semester. I thinks this will work really well.

Technology Era

My first impressions of the Blog Post was interesting because I never done blog before and I seen lot of people do blog and most of them were on Youtube. I am kind of familiar with these tools because they are kind of same as Word so it was easy to figure out. I never done online class like this, really different that other online class because we have to write blog and I never done that in other class.  This is the picture of computer chip that make everything work.

This week Assignments

Hello people, good morning, noon, or night depending on when you check this post so the most interesting assignments that I thought was Picture a Favorite Place and Learn about Growth Mindset because it was interesting to learn about Grown Mindset and also I kind of like to talk about my favorite place so it was interesting than other assignments.   Everything was totally different than other class that I took there was nothing in common.   I think the extra credits that grab my attention was Growth Mindset and HEART. Picture of Night where moon is reflection it light on the water.