Feedback Thoughts

Feedback, in general, is good for people because it helps us learn how to get better at the things that we are bad at, but we take it as somebody is talking down on us that why some people are afraid to get feedback. I can take a feedback because, in the long run, it's only going to help you not harm you so it all cool. If you want to be good at receiving feedback keep your mind board and open, don't keep it close and don't accept the feedback.  Here are two websites that could help you a lot with receiving feedback and they are called 5 Tips For Taking Feedback Like a Champ and another one is called 8 Things to Do When You Make a Mistake.  I personally went to the site and read the article and I found some interesting things like In 5 tips for taking feedback it talks about how you have to remind yourself that having growth areas is a good thing- it means you haven't maxed out on your potential. I thought that was a really good tip to think of feedback as a knife sharpener and you are a knife and it will always make you sharper.

Here is a picture of a guy shouting FEEDBACK. Sources


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