
My name is Jay Patel and my major is Management Information System (MIS). I think the coolest thing about my major is that it has both coding area where program computer and has business area to, not just one thing.  I went to India this winter and it was really fun because it been 7 years since I been to India.  It was really fun and I got to meet lot of my family member and lot of other people. 

I like to watch lot of movies and shows form different country like china, India, Japanese, Korea, and United States.  Those are the main five countries I watch shows and movie from and I also like to listen rap and hip-hop music and my favorite artist are Drake, Charlie Puth, and Rihanna etc. 

I also like to play sports such as Ping-Pong, Basketball, Cricket, and Volleyball.  Cricket sports is really popular in India so I been playing that since I was 5 years old and I still play it.  My wish is to do sky diving because it would be fun but my family say no to me for that because they think it dangerous, well it is but I like to try is one day.  

My favorite food is Indian food and it has lot of category to it like Guajarati food, Kathiyawadi food, Punjabi food, and India Chinese food.  Out of all those category of food Gujarati is my favorite food then comes Punjabi, Kathiyawadi and then last Indian Chinese food.  Fun fact, I am vegetarian so it kind of hard to find food in United States and from that you can tell my least favorite food is meat any kind of meat such as pork, chicken, beef, and fish.  My career goal is to get Master degree in Management Information System (MIS) major and then try to find a good job in a good company.

This picture is about punjabi food Sources


  1. Nice to meet you, Jay! I am in your Indian Epics class this semester. That is awesome that you had the chance to visit India this winter after such a long time not visiting. The photo of the food you shared looks DELICIOUS! I am not a vegetarian, but I don't like the majority of meats, so I agree that it is pretty hard to find food without it here in the US!

    1. Nice to meet you too and I feel you it hard to find veg food here in US.

  2. Oh, this is funny, Jay: I was just writing a comment on Jeet Patel's blog, thinking about my favorite Indian foods and feeling really hungry... and then I get to your blog post, and now I am getting even more hungry. My favorite is southern Indian food (so many great veggie options!), but I love Punjabi food also; when I lived in English there were a lot of Punjabi restaurants there and also Gujarati.

    And listen, are you interested in some of the mash-up music by people like Vidya Vox and Shankar Tucker, where they take traditional Indian songs and blend them with Drake, Adele, etc.? I really like those videos; here's one by Vidya Vox (and Shankar Tucker's in there too): Rihanna - Work | Sakhiya Cheliya (Vidya Vox Mashup Cover) ... I think she is fabulous, and now she has become a huge star on YouTube!

  3. Hi Jay! I have always wanted to go to India because of the culture and the food, and its great that you got to go over the winter. I have a few friends that are MIS majors, and the degree seems interesting and in demand in the job market right now. I am impressed that you know how to play cricket. I have watched a few games, but I can never really tell what is happening. Good luck with your MIS degree and job search!

  4. Hi Jay!
    It is seriously difficult to find decent vegetarian food on campus, but not as hard as it used to be. I am very intrigued by the Gujarati, and I will seek out something like that next time I go out to eat! I loved ping-pong when I was younger but after taking a break for 5 years it was as though my reflexes evaporated. You should go sky-diving! If your folks are worried about you jumping out of a plane, there are indoor sky-diving places relatively close by. It wouldn't be the full experience but might be a fun compromise. Nice to meet you!

  5. Hey Jay I didn't know that you went to India this break! Did you go with Karan as well??

    Also, I like the image that you used.. I am really hungry right now and that looks really good. I also really appreciate how you brought up you are vegetarian. I remember coming over my Sophomore year and your brother made some really good vegetarian tacos or something. THose were some of the best non-meet burritos I ever had.

    Anyways, I am really happy you are in this class and I look forward to reading more of your stories!!


  6. Hi Jay! That’s cool that you got to go to India in the winter to see your family! I sadly could not travel during winter break. My parents always go without me. I watch very diverse shows from different countries as well and those are definitely some of my favorite artists as well. I have been playing volleyball pretty much my whole life and basketball is pretty much the only sport I watch. I admire that you play so many sports!

  7. Hi Jay!
    It's so nice to meet you. I have never heard of your major before and it sounds like it's just what you need which is great! Also, that's amazing that you were able to go to India and see your family over the winter break.
    When you watch all of your different movies, are they in english? Or do you use subtitles or speak the different languages? I used to watch movies in Hebrew to try and help better my language ability and it was very intriguing. Did you know you can change the "country" on Netflix to any of those countries and it will change your selection to that countries? I think you would enjoy that!

  8. Hey Jay! I have a couple room mates that are in the business college and one took an MIS class last semester so I got a little acquainted with what it is all about. It seems like a really interesting major and one that is sure to have a job when you get out of school. The food in your post looks so good! Good luck on the rest of the semester and on your writing in this class!

  9. hello Jay!
    Your major does sound pretty exciting. I am in electrical engineering and I code a lot in my major as well, which I think it makes it that much more interesting just as you do! It's exciting that you got to go to India and see your family. It sucks having family far away, especially if they are on another continent, but I'm glad you got to visit them. I also love Indian food and the picture you included looks amazing!

  10. Jay, you mentioned that you would like to try skydiving and as someone who has done it, you need to go for it. I went with a friend for her twenty-first birthday and it was an amazing experience. We were able to go to a place close to Tulsa called Skiatook Skydiving. My parents were defiantly freaking out when I went but we all made it through. The jumping out of the plane wasn't the hard part but the flight up to when you are going to jump build up a lot of anticipation. Good luck with your classes this semester and I hope you are able to try skydiving sometime soon!

  11. Hi Jay!

    It's crazy to think that after 6 weeks of this course I am still finding new blogs and meeting new people. I really enjoyed reading your introduction! I actually have a really good friend who is a frequent sky diver (who knew you could even do that). She says it has added so much joy to her life and that it is also a nice break from reality! I hope you get to skydive someday! I can't wait to read your blog posts!

  12. Hello Jay!

    I am also an MIS major, and I love that it's a mixture of business and coding as well! I took my first intro to MIS class last semester and fell in love with it almost immediately. I agree that it can be hard to find places that have vegetarian options, especially in Oklahoma, but there are quite a few healthy options such as The Earth and Zoe's. If you haven't tried them yet, I definitely recommend them! They are both in Norman. Skydiving is so scary to me, but I hope one day you're able to try it out!

  13. Hi Jay! That's cool that you're and MIS major! I took an MIS course my sophomore year and thought it was tough, but very cool and interesting, there's a lot you can do with coding and computers that most people don't know about! That's cool that you're from India too! I bet it's hard to eat vegetarian in the US, we love our meat here haha! I love Indian food too though, so I can imagine you do too. Nice to meet you !

  14. Hey there, Jay!
    It is really cool to see that you have such a passionate interest in your field of study. I have always wanted to travel to India and see the many different things it has to offer. I have also wanted to try cricket! I played baseball from the ages of 3-18. It is somewhat similar to cricket. I think it would be fun to apply the skills I acquired in baseball to another sport.

  15. Hi Jay, it is nice to meet you! Management Information System (MIS) sounds like a unique major because it incorporates computer science/engineering with business. I have a couple of friends who are also MIS majors and even though it is difficult, they say it is worth it. I love the genres of music you listen to; one can never go wrong with listening to some Drake or Rihanna. Your trip to India sounds fascinating! Some of my best friends here at OU are from India as well, and two of them actually are from the Guajarati region which they visited over Winter Break. Well, it is nice to meet you, Jay, and I hope you have a great rest of the semester!

  16. Hey Jay! I have always thought that majoring in Management Information Systems would be cool. I took a few MIS classes when I was a business major and although I was not very good at the subject, I really thought it was a cool major that had a lot of potential. I have never been to India but I would like to go there sometime.

  17. Hello Jay. Management Information System is a great major. My Coworker is graduating this semester with his masters. I am an indoor type of person, so I don’t play much sports. I am however planning to try sky diving over the summer if I can find a little extra cash. My mother is a vegetarian, so I understand how annoying that can be while living in Oklahoma.

  18. I can only imagine how difficult it is to be a vegetarian in America... well, I WAS a vegetarian, for two years, before the difficulty of it made me tap out! Indian food is also my favorite cuisine. My fiance and I are actually getting married in a small, intimate ceremony at our favorite Indian restaurant next week.

    The picture you posted made me hungry. :) Have a great day!!

  19. Hey Jay,
    I think it’s so cool you know about coding. I work at the Apple store and we have these classes for kids to learn basic coding (Swift I believe) and it makes me feel really dumb! I’m looking at these kids like, “How are you doing this?” Someone at work tried to teach me a bit and my eyes glazed like a donut.

    I love foreign films too! It’s definitely the cheapest way to travel and experience other countries. I mostly enjoy movies from Italy and France but I absolutely adore Satyajit Ray’s film “Charulata”. I’ve probably seen it about ten times!

    Also your food picture made me hungry!! I recently went vegetarian and I’m eager to try as many Indian dishes as I can that don’t have meat. If you live in the Oklahoma City metro I heavily recommend The Red Cup and The Loaded Bowl! <3


  20. Hello Jay! I have always wondered how to code as some of the best contributions to society have came from it. I too enjoy listening to Drake and Rhianna but I don't know very much about Charlie Puth. I too played a lot of baseball and ping pong growing up but I haven't played either in a long time. I do still play intramural softball but it is definitely a lot different than baseball. Good luck with the rest of this class!

  21. Hello Jay, it's pretty cool that you play ping pong and the other sports. I like watching shows from Japan and China as well as listening to same kind of music. I don't think I've ever eaten Indian food but I wouldn't mind trying it one day.

  22. Hello Jay, nice to meet you. MIS sounds like a really interesting and difficult degree. I have never been to India. Playing Cricket is not very popular here, neat that you play but it seems boring. I would also like to go sky diving one day. I have tried Indian food before, it is very different. Best of luck with the class and life.

  23. Hey Jay! I've always been interested in learning more about cricket, I know absolutely nothing about the sport! I don't know if I could do regular skydiving, but I did go to a place in Oklahoma City called iFly which is an indoor skydiving place and I had a lot of fun! They have a giant wind tube and you get to fly around in it for a bit so it's a neat experience. Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  24. Hey Jay! I just read another introduction talking about being a MIS major. I had no idea that it had so much to do with coding and computers, for some reason I thought it was much more business focused. Learn something new everyday! I bet it's tricky living in the US, especially the south and being a vegetarian, but that's great that you have been able to stick with it! Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  25. Hi Jay! Your major does sound like it would be interesting! I am also a movie person. I’ve always really enjoyed watching shows and movies. It’s been good cold grey weather for that. Sky diving is definitely an interesting activity to add to your bucket list. I hope you get to try it safely someday! I have not really tried Indian food before. Are there any places you would recommend around Norman or Oklahoma City?

  26. Hi Jay! How neat that you got to go to India and meet your family members!! I am sure that experience was very exciting. I would love to be able to travel there someday. My little siblings love to play ping pong and basketball and they love it! Best of luck on the rest of your semester.

  27. Nice to meet you Jay!
    I just got done reading your introduction! SO I basically know you super well now ha ha. I know a lot of people who are in the same major as you and I know how difficult some of the course you have to take are! I love indian food as well, wlthough I have never been to India to have any truly authentic Indian food.

  28. Hey there, Jay! How is your semester going? I think it is crazy that we are so far along in the semester and we are still meeting new people in our classes! I really enjoyed visiting your website and reading about you in your introduction! That is so cool that you were able to travel and meet some of your family! I bet you had a wonderful time. Also, you seem to have so much fun watching movies and listening to music!

  29. Hi Jay! I would love to travel to India sometime. I love trying new food! I really want to try more of the different varieties of Indian food since I have loved the Indian food I've had so far in the US.

    I'm a computer science major, and I've heard that MIS and CS are pretty similar. I definitely prefer the coding, but I bet having the added business element will be very valuable in the future.

  30. Hey there Jay! I just finished looking over your Introduction post on your website from the first week of class! It is crazy that we are so far into this class! It seems like so long ago that we were writing these introductions. I can really tell how much time and effort you put into both your introduction and your website.

  31. Hey, Jay!
    It is so cool that you travelled to India so soon before taking this class. I feel like being there would really put some cool perspective on these stories. I am so sorry that it is so rough for you finding vegetarian food options here. My best friend is vegan and so when we go out to eat together it is always hard finding something she can eat. There are some cool places in the city if you are willing to make the drive though!

  32. Hey, Jay, nice to meet you! Man, the picture of the food you posted looks delicious! Have you tried any of the Indian restaurants in town? If you are in Norman that is. I really like Misal Bistro and Taste of India. I think it's awesome that your major has multiple dimensions. I hope the rest of the semester goes well for you.

  33. Hello Jay!
    That's wonderful that you got the opportunity to vacation in India. I am Bengali so I understand the longing to go back home and visit family. I am also vegetarian! What's your favorite American vegetarian dish? Anyway, good luck with the rest of the semester!

  34. Hey Jay!
    I really like the design and layout of your blog and I thought the picture you choose for your introduction complemented your post really well! Also, I think its really cool that you are a vegetarian. My brother and recently me are vegan so I can relate about it being hard to find food options. I hope you are having a great semester so far and I can’t wait to explore the rest of your blog!

  35. Hey Jay!
    It was fun to read your introduction. I was also tempted to do a MIS major, but in the end I decided to go with computer science due to my love of programming. I had no idea about the different types of Indian food and I had a fun time looking them up. I hope that you get to visit your family in India more often in the future!

  36. Hi Jay! That's incredible that you are an MIS major, I used to be a meteorology major and did some MIS work while I was in that season. I highly commend computer lovers! I could not do it due to my struggle to understand any and all technology. Also I definitely got excited to see you enjoy so much Indian food, it is so good. Thank you for sharing your family culture with us! That's incredible.


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