Reading Notes: Seven Secrets of the Goddess Lakshmi Part B

The Video that I choose to take notes on is called “Seven Secrets of the Goddess”. The fifteenth and sixteenth part of the video is called Lakshmi’s Secret. It was a really interesting video I got to learn a lot of stuff in this video about Goddess Lakshmi’s and how do people see Lakshmi’s as a Goddess. This video starts off by explaining what “Lakshmi” means the video said it means food in nature and wealth in culture. It was an interesting concept to learn that Lakshmi can have more than one meaning in a different scenario. Lakshmi favorite animal is an elephant because she is always shown in a picture with an elephant beside her.

An elephant is her favorite animal because where elephants do not have any prey or predator in the food chain, and elephants always gather where there are water and water means lots of plants and life. That why elephants are her favorite animal. Lakshmi has three father and Varuna, Puluman, and Bhrigu. One of Lakshmi faster as Asuras and he is Varuna and it said that Gods live in heaven and Demons lives beneath the Earth and Lakshmi also lives with his father in the demon realm. So Lakshmi’s value comes only when she leaves her father realm, so every year they kill a lot of “demon” so they could pull out Lakshmi from the ground.

I also got to learn that when Lakshmi came to heaven she brought Klapatura the wish-fulfilling tree, Kam-dhenu the wish-fulfilling cow, Chintamani the wish-fulfilling jewel, and Akshaya-Patra, the cornucopia the pot that always overflowing with grain and gold. This is my first time I heard that Goddess Lakshmi brought all those things when she came to heaven. I mean with all those treasure gods can have anything they want and will never have a shortage of water, food, and wealth.

This book was written by Devdutt Pattanaik, The title of the Video is Seven Secrets of the Goddess Lakshmi Part B. Link

Here is the picture of Goddess Lakshmi. Source


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