Week 9 Story: Draupadi Svayamvara

One day King Drupada, King of Panchala Kingdom was doing a ritual to pleased the God of Fire and that ritual is called Putrakameshti. He did succeed and God of Fire was pleased with his ritual so appear in front of King Drupada.

God of Fire said, “I was pleased with your ritual, so now I will give you a boon and you can have whatever you want.”

Hearing that King Drupada couldn’t hide his excitement and almost starting laughing and felt everything was going his way. Now nobody can stop me from having my revenge on Dronacharya.

King Drupada said, “Oh God of Fire Please give me a daughter who will destroy my enemy and will get revenge for me.”

God of Fire was surprised hearing what he said; he thought he would want something else. Anyway, he was here to grant his wish so he didn’t think much about it.

God of Fire said, “The wish has been granted.”

Then God of Fire vanish into thin air and as soon as the God of Fire left, The Holy fire that was burning in the ritual started fluctuating violently. From that came out a young lady who was at the age of around twenty-five. She was really beautiful; you say nobody that has ever been born was as beautiful as her. When she came out of fire what she was wearing fiery red clothing that matches her beauty. As she came out King Drupada couldn’t help but start laughing like a maniac.

King Drupada said, “I will finally have my revenge hahahahahah... come here my daughter, come get my blessing.”

When she started walking toward her father to get his blessing. Out of nowhere, the heavenly voice started speaking.

The heavenly voice said, “She will bring about the destruction of the Kuru clan.”

And the Heavenly voice disappeared like it was never there and as soon as the Heavenly voice disappeared King Drupada looked at her daughter like she was some kind of gem because Dronacharya was from the Kuru clan and that is what he wanted.

King Drupada said, “From now you will be called Draupadi.”
After Draupadi was born it been five years and King Drupada heard that the Pandavas were hiding from the Kauravas because they were they exile from the Kingdom. Pandavas and Kauravas were enemies and King Drupada knew that If he held a contest to find Draupadi husband the Pandavas would definitely attend the contest. King Drupada summoned Draupadi to ask her if she would agree with this Svayamvara.

King Drupada said, “My beloved daughter will it be alright to find your contest through this Svayamvara.”

Draupadi said, “Whatever you say father I will agree to it.”

King Drupada said, “Alright Svayamvara it is then, get ready my daughter we will find the best Husband for you through the Svayamvara.”

King Drupada didn’t guess wrong Pandavas did get ready to attend the Svayamvara and Pandavas couldn’t meet any of the Kauravas members when they were exile so they came to Svayamvara in a disguise of Brahmins and to win the contest. In contest whoever hit the eye of fish that is hanging in the air with bow and arrow while looking at the reflection of fish in water will get to marry Draupadi. Those were the rules of the Draupadi Svayamvara. Arjuna was really confident because he knew nobody is better at archery then I am and only Karna could rival me.

After the contest started all the Warrior, Brahmin, Kings who came from far away went to the platform to try to hit the fish eye but nobody was able to hit the eye of fish with bow and arrow while looking at the reflection in the water. It was finally Arjuna turn and as soon as he went to the platform people started booing and saying that you will humiliate us Brahmin by going there. But as soon as King Drupada saw Arjuna in Brahmins disguise he knew that he was Arjuna one of the Pandavas.

King Drupada said, “Finally I been waiting for you now just finish this Svayamvara with your brilliant performance.”

Arjuna remembers his teaching of Archery that one should be calm and be focused. And he looked at the fish eye in the water and shot the arrow and it hit the fish eye above. Everyone was shocked that a Brahmin accomplishes what all the Warrior and Kings couldn’t. After that nobody looks down on that Brahmin and look at him with the respected gaze. As the Draupadi Svayamvara was over Arjuna and Draupadi got married.

Author notes This the story of Draupadi where she gets born and gets married to Arjuna. It the same story but I wrote in my style added some detail to the story that didn't exist in the original text.

This book was written by Krishna Dharma, The title of the book is Mahabharata: The Greatest Spiritual Epic of All Time Part B, and here is the Link to chapter 1.10

Here is the picture of five Pandavas and Draupadi. Source


  1. Hey Jay! I really enjoyed your story I thought that you did a great job building the plot and even giving the characters more personality with your use of dialogue. I felt that this was a crucial aspect and that you created it perfectly. I also enjoyed the picture you chose for the story being that it is colorful. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi again Jay!

    Your stories have changed so much over the course of this class! I am very happy that you've used a lot of dialogue in this story, and I think the exchange between the God of Fire and King Drupada is my favorite part. The length of the story is good, and I like the separation you've made between Draupadi's birth and her Svayamvara. I would perhaps include also the bizarre conclusion to the wedding, where each of the Pandavas becomes her husband too, as in the image you chose.

    Great work!

  3. Hey Jay,

    I really enjoyed your story. I liked the dialogue set up between the different characters. I was curious as to who the god of fire is. I felt that the story was extremely well written over all and the detail was very interesting. I liked the image you used for your story as well. Great work.

  4. Hello Jay, really interesting story. You had a really unique and creative use of dialogue in this story. I really liked how you characterized the God of Fire. I thought it was weird that the text got smaller in the middle of the story, other than that it was well written. Overall great story and looking forward to seeing what else you write.

  5. Hi Jay, I really enjoyed your story! Your dialogue really helped me follow along throughout the events of Draupadi's life, so great job with that. Since you included the photo of the Pandavas with Draupadi, you could also talk about how she suddenly ended up marrying all of them by a strange turn of events! Great job, I look forward to seeing more!


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