
Reading Notes: Seven Secrets of the Goddess Saraswati Part A

The Video that I choose to take notes on is called “Seven Secrets of the Goddess”. The ninetieth and twentieth part of the video is called Saraswati’s Secret. It was a really interesting video I got to learn a lot of stuff in this video about Goddess Saraswati’s and how the Goddess Lakshmi’s gave us the knowledge and how we are different than other species on earth. This video starts off by explaining what “Saraswati” means. The video said it means word or language because for example The devas, invoke her just when the demon Kumbhakarana is about to ask Brahma for a boon and that boon was to get the Indra-asan (seat of Indra) but Saraswati twisted the rakshasa’s tongue so that instead of saying Indra-asan, he asked for Nidra-asan (Sleep). I also found out she likes to alone and aloof and unlike other goddesses like who turn ‘hot’ and fiery and dangerous when kept away from matrimony and maternity, Saraswati remains calm and composed despite her isolation. My second favorite

Story: Lakshmi and Vishnu

In a small village called Heaven there lived one special family and they were famous in the village. The family consist of father, mother, and a son. The family reputation was good, but their reputation was not good because Varuna acted like a thug. Varuna acted like that because he didn’t want to get bullied in school. When he was in middle school he got bullied so he decided to get stronger in summer and next year in high school he bullied whoever bullied him middle school. Varuna took thing to the extreme and broke brake their leg and arms so he went to jail for that and that why his reputation was bad in the village after that event. Since then he always acted tough. After getting married to his lover Ankita his personality took 180 turns and he didn’t act tough anymore but still everyone feared him because he was built and looked scary. After a year they had a girl name her Lakshmi. As soon as she was born she brought fortune to the whole house their crops in farm started to g

Reading Notes: Seven Secrets of the Goddess Lakshmi Part B

The Video that I choose to take notes on is called “Seven Secrets of the Goddess”. The fifteenth and sixteenth part of the video is called Lakshmi’s Secret. It was a really interesting video I got to learn a lot of stuff in this video about Goddess Lakshmi’s and how do people see Lakshmi’s as a Goddess. This video starts off by explaining what “Lakshmi” means the video said it means food in nature and wealth in culture. It was an interesting concept to learn that Lakshmi can have more than one meaning in a different scenario. Lakshmi favorite animal is an elephant because she is always shown in a picture with an elephant beside her. An elephant is her favorite animal because where elephants do not have any prey or predator in the food chain, and elephants always gather where there are water and water means lots of plants and life. That why elephants are her favorite animal. Lakshmi has three father and Varuna, Puluman, and Bhri gu. One of Lakshmi faster as Asuras and he is Varuna

Reading Notes: Seven Secrets of the Goddess Durga Part A

  The Video that I choose to take notes on is called “Seven Secrets of the Goddess”. The eleventh and twelfth part of the video is called Durga Secret. It was a really interesting video I got to learn a lot of stuff in this video about Goddess Durga and how do people see Durga as a Goddess. It also talks about why Durga is seen this way. There are multiple parts in this video that I liked and my first favorite part of this video is starts of the video where they describe how a male God offering is different during ritual or puja and how female goddess offering is different during the ritual. The offering the male God gets such as Vishnu are food, flower, leaves, lamps, and incense, but the offering the female goddess gets such as Durga is Haldi (turmeric), Kunku (red power), Kajal (Kohl), a pieces of cloth to serve as her upper garment the choli (blouse), the chundri (veil), and the chadar (shawl). They do that because they want to cower up the Goddess so she would look more like Gaur

Story: Raktabija Ending

This is the world where Humans, Demons, and Gods exist. Gods lived in Heaven, Human lived on Earth, and Demons lived in Hell. There were three omnipotent being who watched over everyone and no matter who you are human, demon, or god there were all equal in front of them and didn’t discriminate. They were known as Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh they were really powerful. Brahma was the God of Creation, Vishnu was the God of Preservation, and Mahesh was the God of Destruction and could do anything you name it. Those omnipotent beings were born with the universe then the other living being was born and they were born from those three omnipotent being. They really loved their devotee who would do puja and pray to them every day. Demons always took advantage of that kind they showed by those three Gods. They would meditate for thousand and thousand of year to please the god so they would get boon from those Gods. Boon is like a wish that is being granted. This time one of the demon Raktabi