Story: Lakshmi and Vishnu

In a small village called Heaven there lived one special family and they were famous in the village. The family consist of father, mother, and a son. The family reputation was good, but their reputation was not good because Varuna acted like a thug. Varuna acted like that because he didn’t want to get bullied in school. When he was in middle school he got bullied so he decided to get stronger in summer and next year in high school he bullied whoever bullied him middle school. Varuna took thing to the extreme and broke brake their leg and arms so he went to jail for that and that why his reputation was bad in the village after that event. Since then he always acted tough. After getting married to his lover Ankita his personality took 180 turns and he didn’t act tough anymore but still everyone feared him because he was built and looked scary. After a year they had a girl name her Lakshmi. As soon as she was born she brought fortune to the whole house their crops in farm started to g...